
A Better Roofing Experience

How Our 6 Core Values Give You A Better Roofing Experience

For decades, companies got along on empty slogans and catchphrases. Not anymore. Mission statements have taken on a critical role in world-class companies competing in challenging times. When you work with a contractor dedicated to six core values, you enjoy the best possible roofing experience.

Mission Critical

At Rackley Roofing, we state it honestly and openly. Our mission statement tells you, our loyal and valued clients, what we plan to accomplish as we work with you:

Ever noticed other organizations’ mission statements? They sometimes leave out the “who,” or the “what,” or the “how.” At Rackley Roofing, we don’t. We know exactly what every roofing project is: an opportunity to demonstrate three transformative accomplishments:

  1. Unmatched customer service — We strive to make you, our faithful customers, completely satisfied with every aspect of our work.
  2. Complete documentation — Preserve your warranties on roof materials and workmanship, gain a comprehensive understanding of your roof, and plan for roof succession.
  3. Safety — We plan for the safety not just of our hardworking, highly skilled roofing crews but also of your facilities crews, employees, and customers as we go about our work protecting your commercial or industrial building with our roofing services.

Six Core Values

If you want to know what a core value is, consider it this way:

  • Would you do exactly what you are doing even if nobody saw you, nobody noticed you did it, and nobody gave you credit for it? Yes? Then it’s a core value.

At Rackley Roofing, we pride ourselves on six core values. These are traits that work through everything we do all the time. We have spoken of them before, here and there, but putting them all together in one place helps you, our clients, know what we stand for:

  1. Be Humble — We operate as a team, working not for ourselves at others’ expense but for the good of everyone. By being humble, we are willing to work hard, listen to clients, and ask questions when we do not understand something.
  2. Be Hungry — You cannot eat laurels; you can rest on them and watch other companies leap ahead of you, or you can stay hungry and want to do better, do more, and give your best to everything you do. You get more done in a day when you are hungry for more.
  3. Be Smart — Being smart is not about “work smarter, not harder;” it is about being smart enough to recognize talent in others, to communicate well (so you are listening as well as sharing ideas), and treat every challenge as an opportunity to improve.
  4. Be Innovative — At one time in history, the lead pencil was innovative. By embracing technology, we at Rackley Roofing bring the best advances to our clients, saving money while increasing productivity and improving our customers’ experience.
  5. Be Customer-Focused — Our business cannot exist without your business. We always keep you, our valued clients, at the center of our work and plans, so we never lose sight of our purpose. We give honest service, honest answers, and complete satisfaction to every customer on every roofing project.
  6. Be Accountable — Either you live up to your word, or you do not. Parents know this, which is why tricycles get assembled at 2 a.m. every December 25th. At Rackley Roofing, we take responsibility for our actions, whether that means solving a supply chain issue or working extra hours to provide emergency roofing services.

Better Roofing

How do these six core values, plus Rackley Roofing’s mission statement, add up to a better roofing experience? Consider two workers:

  • One shows up rested, informed, and ready to put in a full day’s work.
  • One shows up wearing yesterday’s clothes, eyeing the food truck, and ready to take a nap under a tarp.

Consider their workdays. Which one will be productive, accomplished, and helpful? Which one is waiting for Friday’s paycheck?

At Rackley Roofing, we always show up ready to put in a good day’s work. We know our jobs, our materials, and our methods. We strive every day to put our customers’ needs front and center. The result? High-quality roofing projects completed on time, to high standards, and on budget.

We build customer relationships by getting the job done. If you know our hardworking crews will make you look good — by coming in on schedule, at budget, and with a flawless job — you will call on us again. And again and again.

At Rackley Roofing, our company’s six core values and our clear-eyed mission statement, taken together, play a critical role in your company’s success. Commercial property owners and managers throughout the southeastern United States consistently turn to Rackley Roofing for the best roofing experience. Contact us today to see how our core values can help shape your next roofing project.